Pa. teen dies after dental work

A 16-year-old Pennsylvania teenager died May 5 after suffering cardiac arrest during a third-molar extraction procedure on May 3, according to a story in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Miciah Bonzani of New Kensington, a suburb of Pittsburgh, was anesthesized prior to the surgery, and during the procedure she stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest.

Bonzani, who was born with a heart defect and had two heart surgeries as a child, was taken to Allegheny Valley Hospital and later was transferred to Children's Hospital and placed on life support.

The cause and manner of her death were undetermined, and an autopsy was scheduled for May 7, according to the Allegheny County Medical Examiner office.

She was a sophomore in the Junior ROTC program at her high school and wanted to be in the U.S. Navy, her family told the Tribune-Review. They have donated her kidneys, saying that is what she would have wanted.

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