Septodont supports dental programs for at-risk kids

Septodont has donated more than $10,000 in dental products to support oral health program affiliates of the National Children's Oral Health Foundation (NCOHF), the company announced.

Four NCOHF affiliates -- Wilkes Public Health Dental Clinic, Central Community College, Indiana University School of Dentistry, and Community Health Centers of Arkansas -- received a donation of Octocaine 50 anesthetic and needles that will help provide critical oral health services for children in need.

"Millions of children in our country are unable to enjoy this special time of year because they suffer in silence from untreated dental caries," said Fern Ingber, NCOHF president and CEO, in a press release. "Septodont's dedicated commitment to our mission will help ensure more underserved children can eat, sleep, and enjoy the holidays free from the preventable pain of pediatric dental disease."

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