Mom charged with neglect after child's teeth extracted

An Australian woman has been sentenced to a year in jail for child cruelty after her daughter, who had not seen a dentist in more than three years, had 12 teeth extracted, according to an article in the Queensland Times.

The 9-year-old had been given only cordial -- an extremely sweet, fruit-flavored beverage -- to drink. The girl's toothbrush had also been kept in a hard-to-reach location, according to the story.

In November of 2006, the girl was diagnosed with an abscess that was draining pus. A school dental worker advised that the girl, then 6 years old, be taken to a dentist, but calls and letters to the mother were not returned.

After being taken into child safety custody earlier this year, the girl had 10 primary teeth and two molars removed, the Times reported. Her incisors were not removed but were also reportedly in poor condition.

The 39-year-old mother, who has a history of amphetamine addiction the Times said, has two adult children and three others in foster care. In court, she pleaded guilty to the charge of child cruelty and was released on parole.

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