New Iowa law will extend kids' dental coverage

Iowa Gov. Chet Culver will sign a bill expanding the state's hawk-i (Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa) program into law on May 19, the governor's office announced.

With the healthcare reform battle in the forefront of the news today, access to quality, affordable dental care remains a critical issue nationally in the troubled economy. Once signed into law, Senate File 389 allows expansion of Iowa's hawk-i program to include approximately 30,000 more children who may otherwise be unable to receive dental coverage through the program.

"This new law is a major step forward in providing a dental home for Iowa's kids who need it," said Iowa Dental Association President Steven Bradley, D.D.S., in a press release. "It's significant that we close the access gap for dental care for all of our kids. These children now will have an even better chance to be healthy and achieve their full potential."

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