ClassOne orthodontic product line improves oral hygiene

ClassOne Orthodontics is gearing up for the worldwide launch of a new orthodontic product line, SeLECT Defense, that has implications for improved oral hygiene, according to the company. The company released the product to the Texas market last month and plans to launch a worldwide marketing effort next month.

SeLECT Defense technology is used in orthodontic treatment to coat brackets, ligature ties, and closing chain to help reduce plaque buildup and improve oral hygiene, the company stated. The patented formula can also be mixed in with adhesives, cements, and sealants to prevent tooth decalcification or demineralization.

In collaboration with ClassOne, researchers from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock, TX, developed and patented the SeLECT Defense product line through licensing and codevelopment with Selenium, according to the company. ClassOne received FDA clearance in July 2008 to market SeLECT Defense.

In laboratory tests at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, SeLECT Defense technology proved to dramatically reduce microbial development and eliminate the appearance of white spots (demineralization) that can form during orthodontic treatment, the company noted. In a 28-day mouth simulation study of products with SeLECT Defense, microscopic examination of the teeth surfaces showed that SeLECT Defense technology reduced enamel demineralization around orthodontic brackets by 86% when the tooth is brushed twice daily and 80% when the tooth is not brushed, according to ClassOne.

By comparison, the application of 40% chlorhexidine reduced demineralization by only 60% even when the teeth are brushed and 66% without brushing. Furthermore, SeLECT Defense technology was not removed by tooth brushing within the study period, the company noted.

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