Orthodontists practice what they preach, survey finds

If you are in the business of selling perfect pearly smiles, what better way to advertise than to have one of your own? Maybe that explains the results of a recent independent survey conducted on behalf of the American Association of Orthodontists that found that nearly 75 percent of orthodontists have had orthodontic treatment themselves.

The survey also found that 95 percent of orthodontists believe they enhance patients' self-esteem through treatment. Also, 2006 saw the highest number of adult patients since tracking began by age in 1989. Finally, more men are seeking orthodontic treatment; 44 percent of adult patients in 2006 were men compared to 30 percent in 1996.

"We know that orthodontic treatment can improve a patient’s dental health, overall health and facial appearance.For some, it may even improve self esteem," said William C. Gaylord, D.D.S., M.S.D., president of the American Association of Orthodontists in a press release. "These results illustrate that we believe in the benefits of our work and that we practice what we preach."

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