Week in Review: Drinking mouthwash causes impaired vision | Vaping linked to gum disease | New video series

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

A 77-year-old man experienced impaired vision in both eyes due to ingesting large amounts of mouthwash for more than a year following a root canal procedure. Our top story of the week summarized the case report.

The man reported drinking a glass of mouthwash at least three times per day after toothbrushing since he had undergone a root canal more than a year prior. He was diagnosed with bilateral toxic optic neuropathy, and his vision improved after discontinuing the mouthwash.

Vaping linked to gum disease

Electronic cigarettes are often used as an aid to quit smoking, but new research shows that e-cigarette use still has a significant association with periodontal disease. The first-of-its-kind study attempted to account for the impact prior conventional cigarette smoking had on the relationship between vaping and gum disease.

Why do dentists experience burnout?

Burnout is a phenomenon that is common among healthcare providers, especially dentists, and the repercussions can be detrimental to the workplace. A new study examined some of the work-related factors that contribute to burnout among dentists.

Nearly 10% of dentists reported high levels of burnout in the study. Young dentists, those who don't own a practice, and those who work long hours each week were more likely to report signs of burnout.

Computer-controlled anesthesia cuts the ouch

Children injected with computer-controlled intraligamentary anesthesia prior to molar extraction felt less pain than those given typical inferior alveolar nerve blocks, according to one new study. Not only was the rapid-onset, short-duration intraligamentary technique as effective as the conventional one, but there were also no reports of children biting their lips and cheeks following the procedure.

New industry leaders series

Last but not least, I want to bring your attention to Off The Cusp, a new video series featuring dental industry leaders. In the first video, I sat down with Henry Schein's Marc Gordon who shared what staffing shortages mean for insurance reimbursements and the biggest business mistakes many practice owners make.

We'll be off on Monday for Memorial Day. Look forward to more exciting news and updates starting on Tuesday.

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