Patch more effective than mouthwash on xerostomia

A new time-released, muco-adhesive patch for treating xerostomia and other oral health conditions has been shown to be more effective than a leading oral rinse, according to a study in Quintessence International (March 2010, Vol. 41:3).

Working with 20 patients who suffered from dry mouth for more than three months as a result of medical conditions, researchers from Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine found that using the OraMoist dry mouth patch from Quantum Health resulted in a statistically significant reduction of mouth dryness compared with Biotene.

The patients were divided into two treatment groups: those treated with the oral rinse and those with the muco-adhesive patch. Questionnaires completed prior to treatment showed no statistically significant differences between the groups.

Following treatment, patients with the muco-adhesive patch reported a statistically significant reduction in mouth dryness sensation with elevated salivary flow rate (150%) after just 30 minutes. In addition, 70% of patients treated with the patch reported they would continue using the product in the future, compared to only 30% who would continue using the Biotene mouthwash, according to the researchers.

"Oral disorders such as dry mouth and canker sores require long residence of the active remedy in the mouth or the disease site for effective treatment," said Abraham Domb, Ph.D., study co-author and inventor of the OraMoist patch, in a press release. "Muco-adhesive patches made of safe ingredients that adhere to the oral mucosal tissue and slowly erode while releasing active remedies for two to six hours provide the desired residence time for effective therapy."

OraMoist uses a nondrug formula that moistens and lubricates the mouth with time-released lipids, citrus oil, and sea salt, while simultaneously stimulating saliva production and inhibiting bacterial growth, as well as promoting oral health with enzymes and xylitol.

The patch has already found commercial viability in treating canker sores because the patch can also act as a bandage for the sores for eight to 12 hours while releasing active remedial ingredients, Quantum noted.

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