Needleless anesthetic injector planned

Promising to "bring an end to traumatic dental visits," Medical International Technology (MIT) plans to launch a version of its Med-Jet needleless injector for the dental market within 16 months, the company announced. Current versions of the injector use pressure to create a thin jet of the medication with enough force to directly enter the patient's soft tissue without the use of a needle.

By adjusting the pressure, the practitioner can inject the medication at various depths, producing intradermal, subcutaneous, and intramuscular injections, and the device can produce up to 1,000 injections per hour, according to MIT. The system is less painful than a needle because the orifice created is so small, and it doesn't cause abscesses or cysts sometimes found with needles, the company added.

MIT injectors have received European Union certification (CE Marking), Health Canada certification (Canadian Medical Device Conformity Assessment System), and full International Organization for Standardization certification (ISO 9001 & 13485 certification) for human use. An agricultural version of the product is now sold in the U.S., among other countries.

MIT plans to launch its dental product, the Med-Jet MIT-H-VI, in North America first before introducing it in other countries.

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