Week in Review: Top U.S. state for dental health | Doctor-to-doctor identity theft | New dental sterilization device

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Do you know which state in the U.S. has the best dental health? You may be surprised by the results of a new survey that measured 25 key dental health indicators. Check out our top story of the week to find out where your state landed on the list.

In practice management news, Dr. Michael W. Davis, who practices general dentistry in Santa Fe, NM, broke down all there is to know about doctor-to-doctor identity theft. In part 1 of the three-part series, Davis discussed how this sometimes happens with the knowledge and consent of the dentist whose identity is being misappropriated.

In other news, a radical vapor reactor, which eliminates germs by producing high levels of reactive oxygen species, may offer a quick, inexpensive way to sterilize dental instruments, according to study results published in Process Biochemistry. Also, the device completely sterilized dental instruments in packing bags.

Another new story this week discussed the use of bone grafts. Clinicians must consider their patients' personal, religious, and humanitarian values to ensure using specific bone grafts does not violate their beliefs, authors wrote in the Journal of the American Dental Association. Dentists should be prepared to discuss bone graft materials with patients because some may reject the use of bone tissue from another person or animal due to moral conflict, disease transmission, or other factors.

Finally, if your revenue is flat or declining, there are things you can do to help turn the situation around. Dr. Roger P. Levin explained what you should and should not do to increase practice revenue.

Have a safe and relaxing weekend.

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