AAE: 69% of Americans afraid of losing their teeth

While 63% of Americans would like to avoid getting a root canal, 69% want to avoid losing a permanent tooth, according to a survey conducted by the American Association of Endodontists (AAE).

The January survey of 1,014 U.S. adults found that Americans want to avoid losing a permanent tooth more than getting the flu, paying taxes, or speaking in public, according to the AAE.

During Root Canal Awareness Week, March 25-31, the AAE wants to dispel myths surrounding this dental treatment and encourage patients who need a root canal to see an endodontist to save their natural teeth.

"Nothing looks, feels, or functions like natural teeth," said William T. Johnson, AAE president, in a press release. "Root canal treatment can restore an infected tooth to a healthy state that can last a lifetime."

The AAE survey also found that patients who have experienced root canal treatment are six times more likely to describe it as "painless" than patients who have not had root canal treatment.

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