Week in Review: Business advice to help you reopen your practice | Highlighting a rare dental condition

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

With a new month comes new hope for our industry. As May dawns, several states have either already witnessed the reopening of their dental practices or are on the cusp of that anticipated reopening. It's an exciting time as dentistry begins to ramp back up and many dentists and team members are able to return to work and the thing they love most in their professional lives -- helping their patients achieve better oral health.

Certainly there are a lot of questions right now about what it will take to reopen those doors and keep them open. At DrBicuspid.com, we have been working with experts throughout the industry to bring you the best advice and strongest voices to help you in this journey.

That wealth of knowledge includes an article from Sally McKenzie, who offered some best practices for dentists and team members for that reopening process and what it should really look like.

I chatted with Teresa Duncan in a podcast that lasted just under 13 minutes regarding personal protective equipment and potential reimbursement for it. Should that come from insurance, the patient, both, or neither? We talked about that, and Duncan also gave her advice on why D1999 may be a code that is used much more frequently in the days to come.

In addition, Dr. David Rice, clinical editor for DrBicuspid.com, explained why a patient's desire to spend as little time as possible in a dental practice after the COVID-19 outbreak will help push forward the technologies of CAD/CAM and 3D printing.

Also on the COVID-19 side of things, Josey Sewell offered some advice for any remaining downtime. Simply put, for those of you still waiting to reopen, turn this hiatus from your practice into a time to play catch-up or tackle your wish list so your business is in the best possible position when it's time to reopen.

On the clinical side, there was a huge response this week to a case report in which a cone-beam CT scan revealed a man had the rare dental conditions of kissing molars, bilateral distomolars, and macrodontia. Each condition is rare on its own, and clinicians believe this case is the first reported to involve all three types. Since 1973, only 32 cases of kissing molars have been published, according to the authors of the study.

Finally, with many dental professionals searching for continuing education (CE) opportunities as dental meetings have been temporarily halted, don't forget that DrBicuspid.com is offering unlimited access to our CE library for an entire year for $249. We're hoping this lower price will help during these tough economic times.

I wish you the very best as May gets underway. Thank you, as always, for reading DrBicuspid.com.

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