Week in Review: Dental practices and the law | Nomination time | Podcasts and more

We are officially into November and the last two months of 2019. It's going to be a quick finish to the year and the decade as well, thanks in part to all the holiday happenings that will be occurring between now and when we welcome in 2020 with renewed hopes and expectations.

This is a good time to be planning how you're going to survive the December schedule with patients trying to get in while they still have insurance benefits. It's also good to plan how you're going to start a new decade strong. One of the things you should be doing right now is making sure that your computer operating system is up to standards. Time is of the essence as Windows 7 (and 8) will soon not be supported by Microsoft. Don't worry though. We have you covered with some expert advice on what to do in this article and podcast.

We're also covering some of the biggest stories of the past week when dentistry and the law once again intersected. These include a dentist arrested after an undercover sting and a continuing battle between a dental practice and a patient over online reviews.

Speaking of big moments and the end of the year, it's time for you to help us decide the top dental products in 10 different categories. Nominate your favorite new product now for the 2019 DrBicuspid Dental Excellence Awards. You'll find everything you need to know about the criteria, as well as the nomination form and when we will be announcing the winners (and how you can vote on them), by clicking here. We can't wait to see which products you nominate!

At DrBicuspid.com, we are always working to make sure we bring you the latest and best information to help you, your practice, and your team succeed. If you have any ideas or feedback, feel free to drop me a line at [email protected].

Finally, if you're going to be at the Mid-Continent Dental Congress in St. Charles, MO, on November 15 or the Invisalign GP Summit in Las Vegas on November 16, I hope you'll stop by my classrooms as I lecture on some of the latest trends impacting the dental industry.

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