Week in Review: Crown removal via laser | Using checklists | Avoiding ransomware

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Are there advantages to using a laser for crown removal? In our latest case report, Dr. Timothy Anderson reports on a 52-year-old man who needed to have a crown on tooth #15 removed. He describes using a laser for removing the crown and explains the advantages for both the practitioner and patient.

Research suggests dental practitioners average two errors per day, and about 1% of these errors lead to an adverse event. How can you reduce or avoid these errors? Clinical checklists may help, according to patient safety experts.

Maybe the most important aspect of checklists is that they need to be practical to be effective. This means that you can tailor your checklist to ensure that your team's weak spots are covered.

It may seem like you hear every week about another practice or healthcare organization that has fallen victim to ransomware. So how can you reduce the risk that your practice will be infected? Alex Zlatin, the CEO of a dental software company and author, offers three practical steps every practice can take today to help avoid this situation.

Finally, just as you need clinical skills to become a dentist, you need business skills to succeed as a practice owner. In his latest Practice Success tip, Dr. Roger P. Levin advises taking the necessary steps to bolster your business knowledge for the best results.

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