Levin on scheduling; handling a suspicion of abuse; mother's oral health and young kids

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

More than 8 million low-income adults will become eligible for dental benefits this year, according to a new ADA analysis of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. But expanded Medicaid coverage doesn't guarantee increased access to dental care, the report noted. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

In his latest column, Dr. Roger Levin notes that an efficient, well-managed schedule makes for a good day for patients, team members, and the dentist. When the practice loses control of the schedule for whatever reason, chaos ensues. Read more here.

How does a mother's oral health affect her very young children? A new study found that bacteria levels in a mother's saliva can predict the likelihood of early childhood caries in her children. Read Associate Editor Rob Goszkowski's article here.

A patient presents with orofacial injuries that seem suspicious, making you wonder if your patient has been the victim of abuse. What do you do next? A team of researchers has laid out a useful framework in this month's Journal of the American Dental Association that can guide you when treating potentially traumatized patients. Read Contributing Editor Rabia Mughal's article here.

Even the possibility that a patient of yours might have been abused is an uncomfortable area in which to enter. But spending some time preparing everyone at the practice how to recognize possible signs of abuse and how to act is preparation that could save a life or help someone out of a terrible situation.

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