DrBicuspid is excited to launch its highly anticipated 2023 SalaryScan survey, providing an opportunity for dental professionals to gain valuable insights into how your compensation and benefits stack up against that of your peers.
The online survey runs from June 19 to July 14, 2023, and takes about 10 minutes to complete. All responses will remain anonymous and confidential. The DrBicuspid editorial team will aggregate and analyze the data to provide meaningful insights, which will be shared for free on our website after the survey closes.
Take the 2023 SalaryScan survey.
Back by popular demand, DrBicuspid's SalaryScan survey is now in its second year. As the dental industry continues to evolve, understanding how salaries and benefits measure up against those of other informed DrBicuspid readers can provide practices with a benchmark for success. The results can also empower dental professionals to make informed decisions about their careers.
DrBicuspid's SalaryScan survey covers a broad range of specialties, including general dentistry, orthodontics, oral surgery, periodontics, and dental hygiene. The more dental professionals who confidentially share information about their income, benefits, and debt, the more robust the 2023 SalaryScan results will be.
Once again, the deadline to take the survey is July 14 for your data to be included in the analysis. Dental professionals of all types are encouraged to participate.
Take the 2023 Salary Scan survey now.
To see the results of the 2022 SalaryScan survey, please visit: https://www.drbicuspid.com/dental-practice/article/15379880/salaryscan-2022-how-does-your-salary-stack-up.