Both sides claim victory in latest ClearCorrect vs. Align ruling

Both sides claimed victory when the latest rulings in an ongoing patent infringement case between ClearCorrect and Align Technology were handed down by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the USPTO's Patent Trial and Appeal Board on March 24.

ClearCorrect issued a release noting that all challenged claims against one of Align Technology's patents (No. 6,699,037) have been canceled. The board ruled that ClearCorrect was able to show that Align Technology's "concepts and claims" were not able to be patented because they were a combination of known technology, according to ClearCorrect.

However, Align also issued a release stating that five of the company's other patents had been confirmed as "patentable" by the USPTO. Align also noted it would file an appeal on the ruling on patent No. 6,699,037.

A patent infringement lawsuit remains ongoing between the companies in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas.

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