Calif. DHCS releases more dental initiative details

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has updated its website with more information about the Dental Transformation Initiative.

The initiative is a $740 million investment aimed at improving California's dental Medicaid program, Denti-Cal. The update includes two new fact sheets with more details about different types of procedures, or "domains."

Specifically, DHCS released the exact incentive amounts that providers will be paid for domain 1 preventive procedures. The incentives vary based on the type of procedure, such as topical fluoride or sealant application. Higher incentives will be paid to providers who reach a higher percentage of their goal.

The department also released the names of the 17 pilot counties that will be included in domain 3, which targets increasing continuity of care. The selected counties are a mix of those that are below, equal to, or above the statewide continuity-of-care baseline. The list noticeably left out the three most populous counties (Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange), as well as San Francisco and Sacramento counties.

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