Treating preventable dental conditions costs Mich. $15M in 2011

The cost of treatment for preventable dental conditions in Michigan hospitals was at least $15 million in 2011, according to a new report issued by the Anderson Economic Group.

The report authors estimated the annual cost of treating patients in hospitals for preventable dental conditions and also reviewed a set of current programs that provide dental care to low-income individuals in Michigan.

They noted that in 2011 there were an estimated 7,000 visits to the emergency room to receive treatment for preventable dental conditions and more than 1,000 hospitalizations for preventable dental conditions. The total payments made by patients and insurers for these services exceeded $15 million.

Almost half of all visits to the emergency room for dental conditions were for cavities, while other common conditions include abscesses, tooth removal, and gingivitis.

"These costly visits could have been prevented with proper checkups and dental care," the authors wrote. "However, particularly among low-income and rural populations, many patients cannot access care for a variety of reasons."

Delta Dental of Michigan commissioned Anderson Economic Group to prepare the report.

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