Calif. insurance exchange to discuss pediatric dental policy

California's health insurance exchange Covered California is expected to take action on its pediatric dental policy during a January 23 meeting.

Covered California is offering five standalone pediatric dental plans for 2014, as well as what's called a "bundled" plan in which insurers pair a standalone dental plan with a medical plan. Critics have argued the exchange should also offer so-called "embedded" pediatric dental plans that are included in medical plans.

Monthly premiums for the pediatric dental plans to be offered in 2014 start at $10 per child, depending on the plan. The plans cover children up to age 19.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that insurance coverage be available for 10 essential health benefits, including pediatric oral and vision care, and that these benefits must be offered to individuals and small groups both inside and outside marketplace exchanges.

Today's meeting of the group's board will also provide an update on operations, legislative matters, and federal rules, according to a story.

The board is expected to adopt regulations on navigators and certified enrollment entities and counselors at its monthly meeting in Sacramento.

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