Calif. mulls dental benefits options under ACA

California should offer both standalone and supplements dental plans when it sets up its health insurance exchange as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to Daniel Davidson, DMD, president of the California Dental Association (CDA).

The CDA applauds the state's efforts to include pediatric dental benefits as one of the essential health benefits to be offered through the California Health Benefit Exchange, Dr. Davidson noted in an article by California Healthline.

The next step is for California to define the parameters within which dental plans must create benefit packages for sale in the exchange and should include adult dental benefits in the exchange, he emphasized.

"Offering adult benefits will allow the exchange to be the central location for comprehensive access to health and oral health benefits for both children and adults," Dr. Davidson stated.

The exchange board will also decide whether children's dental benefits will be offered by standalone dental plans, by health plans as an integrated part of a medical benefits plan, or both, he noted.

Offering a variety of benefit options, including those provided by standalone dental plans, will ensure consumers have adequate choice of dental plan coverage, Dr. Davidson added.

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