Ind. dentist accused of Medicaid fraud, patient kickbacks

Fraud charges could be brought against an Indianapolis dentist accused of performing unnecessary procedures to collect Medicaid payments, according to an article in the Indianapolis Star.

Arnel Gallanosa, DDS, has also been accused of offering payments to patients in return for allowing him to perform certain procedures. After employees recruited Medicaid-eligible patients, Dr. Gallanosa would offer these patients $5 to $10 and dental work that was supposedly free, according to the article.

Darnell White was one of these recruiters, called a "runner," and has already pleaded guilty to felony prescription fraud in a related case. The pain medication in his possession had been prescribed to three area residents.

Dr. Gallanosa faces three felony charges: conspiracy to commit Medicaid fraud, Medicaid fraud, and theft, the article noted.

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