ADA, CDHP analyze U.S. healthcare reform

The ADA and the Children's Dental Health Project (CDHP) have both posted on their Web sites summaries of the dental provisions in the healthcare reform overhaul signed into law on March 23 by President Barack Obama.

The CHDP is offering a summary of items affecting oral health and links to a line-by-line analysis of the bill it first published when the bill was before the U.S. Senate.

The ADA's new line-by-line analysis includes changes in the bill made through the reconciliation bill that allowed House Democrats to revise the Senate's bill, circumventing the Senate Republicans threat to filibuster.

The bill extends dental benefits to children. Both the CDHP and ADA describe this as happening through in state-run insurance exchanges, but in a conversation with, CHDP Deputy Executive Director Meg Booth said these benefits are also expected to eventually extend to all new insurance plans, outside as well as inside the plans. That view was confirmed by Delta Dental Government Relations Manager Chad Olson.

The ADA has also posted answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about its own position and lobbying on the legislation.

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