Lack of insurance, not fear, keeps patients away

Lack of insurance remains the most common reason -- seven times more common than fear -- that Americans do not go to the dentist, according to a survey by the National Association of Dental Plans (NADP).

The survey of more than 6,000 individuals found that people covered by dental benefits have a more positive perception of their oral and overall health, and are more likely to receive restorative care to maintain their oral health. According to the NADP, these individuals are:

  • 52% more likely to have had a root canal
  • 32% more likely to have had crowns
  • 18% more likely to have cavities filled

Conversely, respondents without dental coverage were 16% more likely to report receiving no basic or major procedures in the past two years.

Based on findings from the survey, plus other industry research and studies, NADP is releasing a white paper, "Dental Benefits: A Wise Investment in Your Family's Health."

The white paper is available on NADP's consumer Web site,

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