Guardian expands dental coverage to include teeth whitening

That dazzling-white Hollywood smile is most patients' dream, and their enthusiasm will likely grow -- if insurance foots the bill. And that's exactly what the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America is doing. In a recent move, the company has expanded its dental plan coverage to include teeth whitening, citing client and broker demand as the key reason.

"We believe that there is value in offering cosmetic teeth whitening because it will encourage employees to visit their dentists and seek not only the treatments that will improve the look of their smile, but also their oral health and overall health," said Jim Pogue, a Guardian vice president in a press release.

The cosmetic benefit is currently available in Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Washington DC, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Alaska.

The company is also now offering more frequent periodontal cleanings -- four times a year, regardless of the patient's medical condition. Traditionally, says Guardian, a patient qualified for three cleanings a year only if a physician certified the patient's ill health was tied to periodontal disease. This benefit is available nationwide.

"We have expanded our periodontal coverage, with the relationship between oral and overall health in mind," said Dr. Richard Goren, 2nd vice president, Group Dental, Guardian in the same release.

This company also offers benefits such as discounts on xylitol products, coverage for dental implants, adult fluoride treatments, and ViziLite Plus oral cancer screenings.

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