Practice Management Insider: Dreaming, or planning, for success

Dear Practice Management Insider,

You can dream of success, or you can plan for it. Practice management consultant Sally McKenzie asks, which sounds better to you? If it's the latter, she offers three questions that can help you make your practice into more of a success, but it takes some action on your part. Read more here.

In other Practice Management Community news, after years of criticism, California is raising reimbursement rates for the state's dental Medicaid program, Denti-Cal. The 2017-2018 state budget, which was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown on June 27, allocates $140 million to increase rates for Denti-Cal providers. Learn more here.

Many practice owners are deciding to delay retirement and continue working into their 60s and even 70s. Some, however, may be tempted to begin drawing from their Social Security benefits at age 62, the earliest possible time, to boost their monthly income. Waiting to begin drawing your benefits, however, may increase the monthly sum you receive. Financial planner John G. McCarthy III details the options in his latest column. Read more here.

Dentistry is constantly changing. There's more competition, patients have different expectations than in the past, and new technologies continue to create opportunities and disruption. As the practice owner, you need to add new business and leadership skills to succeed in today's ever-changing dental economy, notes Dr. Roger P. Levin in his latest Practice Success tip.

Also in the Practice Management Community, you'll find the following recent practice management industry news:

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