Survey: Americans want to see dentist more often

A new Delta Dental survey found that 41% of American adults would like to see a dentist more frequently.

This was more common than for other healthcare practitioners asked about in the survey, including dermatologists, who were the next most mentioned at 28%.

The survey found that those who brush their teeth less often than twice a day want to go to the dentist more than those who brush at least twice a day (52% versus 28%).

Other findings of the survey include the following:

  • 79% of those surveyed agree that there is a connection between oral health and overall health.
  • 48% of those who are extremely satisfied with their oral health rate their overall well-being as very good, compared with only 28% of those who report that they are not satisfied with their oral health.
  • 63% say that having good oral health helps them to feel confident on a daily basis, compared with 56% for having clear skin and 50% for being in shape.

The Adult Oral Health Survey was conducted between December 16, 2015, and January 14, 2016, and included 1,025 Americans age 18 and older.

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