2015 Dental Excellence Award winners honored

2014 10 08 16 06 02 799 Drbicuspid Logo 200

CHICAGO - At a reception at the 2016 Chicago Midwinter Meeting, DrBicuspid.com feted the winners of the 2015 Dental Excellence Awards.

View the slideshow below to see the recipients of the 2015 Dental Excellence Awards.

Sally McKenzie of McKenzie Practice Management was named Best Practice Management Consultant. She is seen here with Editor-in-Chief Tony Edwards (left) and DrBicuspid.com General Manager Ashok Shah.
SD Plus from DrQuickLook received the Best New Instrument/Device award. Bob Clark, DDS, is seen here accepting his company's award.
The Best New Diagnostic/Imaging Device was awarded to the Orthophos SL 3D from Sirona. Product Manager Javib Tokhi accepted the award.
Kerr's SonicFill 2 was named the Best New Restorative Material. Mindi Barber and John Fox accepted the award.
The Spirit 3300 dental chair from Pelton & Crane was named Best New Operatory Product. Pete Foster and William Irwin accepted the award.
The Best New Consumer Product as named by the readers of DrBicuspid.com was the Aquarius water flosser from Water Pik. Scott Headley accepted the award.
2015 Dental Excellence Award winners
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Sally McKenzie of McKenzie Practice Management was named Best Practice Management Consultant. She is seen here with Editor-in-Chief Tony Edwards (left) and DrBicuspid.com General Manager Ashok Shah.

The Best New Preventive/Hygienist Product was the Philips Sonicare for Kids from Philips Sonicare, while the Best New/Updated Software/Service went to the Tab32 from Tab32, but company representatives were unable to attend the reception to receive their award.

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