Don't talk with your patients about Donald Trump

2015 02 15 23 17 12 996 Madow Brothers 200

You have probably heard that "The Donald" has been making some pretty controversial statements during his current presidential run. But as tempting as it may be, we are not going to make any comments in this article nor should you comment to your patients.

Richard H. Madow, DDS, and David M. Madow, DDS.Richard H. Madow, DDS, and David M. Madow, DDS.

While advice columns can sometimes be a bit edgy and crazy, we always stay away from politics and religion. Those are just no-win topics to get involved with in a public forum.

It's a good idea to be that way in our patient conversations as well. So here's a good segue (that amazingly involves dentistry) you can use if anyone wants to talk about Mr. Trump.

No matter what you think of him as a politician, there is no question that Donald has a trump card when it comes to real estate development. One of his current projects is developing the Old Post Office Pavilion in Washington, DC, into a superluxurious hotel that the man with the hair promises to be "amazing, incredible, and the best" at every detail from the bathroom fixtures to the ground-floor retail.

“While advice columns can sometimes be a bit edgy and crazy, we always stay away from politics and religion.”

But despite his promises, the U.S. General Services Administration has put prohibitions in Trump's 60-year lease concerning what types of businesses he may have in this hotel. The list of banned businesses?

  • Lawn and garden stores
  • Flea markets
  • Strip clubs and topless cabarets
  • Sex toy shops
  • Bail bondsmen
  • Discount jewelers
  • Auto supply stores
  • Tattoo artists
  • Laundromats
  • Blood banks
  • Drug dealers
  • Dentists

Wow -- isn't that nice? We're included on the same list as strip clubs, sex toys, and drug dealers! And since when was it legal to lease retail space to a drug dealer anyway?

Pretty crazy stuff. But don't forget the big lesson here. It's great to chit-chat with your patients about nondental stuff, but please stay away from typically personal and controversial topics like politics and religion.

It can be difficult to avoid controversial topics when your patients are the ones who bring it up, but it's best to avoid those kinds of conversations when at all possible. If your patient talks about a presidential candidate that you mutually despise, you may be tempted to joke along. However, it's not likely that everyone in your waiting room agrees.

And now if someone brings up Donald Trump, you have a great conversation changer.

In 1989, Richard H. Madow, DDS, and David M. Madow, DDS, founded The Madow Brothers with the goal of helping their fellow dentists achieve success and happiness in their practices. For more information about their e-letters, audio series, New Patient Mail marketing program, Dental Powerhouse group, their live presentations (including "How To Love Dentistry, Have Fun, and Prosper," "The Ultimate Dental Boot Camp," and especially "TBSE"), and more, check them out at

The comments and observations expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of, nor should they be construed as an endorsement or admonishment of any particular idea, vendor, or organization.

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