Oravital to launch new salivary test at Chicago meeting

Oravital is releasing its new oral microbial salivary test, the BiofilmDNA, at this week's Chicago Dental Society 2016 Midwinter Meeting.

BiofilmDNA is a DNA test that detects both the presence and thresholds of specific pathogens via the collection of salivary, subgingival, and tongue biofilm samples. The test can provide the clinician with a detailed, multipanel, whole-mouth picture of a patient's oral health, according to the company.

During the meeting, the Oravital will offer the test for an introductory price of $75 each for the first 10 tests.

"Undiagnosed and untreated oral infections are a North American epidemic," stated Jim Hyland, DDS, president and CEO, in a press release. "We also know that periodontal disease is a contributing factor to many systemic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease, because the infection spreads via both tissues and the blood stream."

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