Study: Hookah smoking linked to serious oral conditions

Hookah smoking is associated with serious oral conditions, such as periodontal diseases and cancer, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Dental Association.

The authors conducted a literature review that focused on water pipe smoking and head and neck conditions. They found water pipe smoking to be associated with periodontal diseases, dry socket, oral cancer, and esophageal cancer (JADA, October 2015, Vol. 146:10, pp. 760-766).

"This study sheds light on the common misconception that smoking from a water pipe is somehow safer than smoking a cigarette," stated JADA Editor Michael Glick, DMD, in a press release. "Whether you are smoking a cigarette, an e-cigarette, a cigar, or tobacco from a water pipe, smoking is dangerous not only to your oral health but to your overall health."

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