Millennium Medical set to distribute OralCDx

Millennium Medical Devices, a subsidiary of Millennium HealthCare, is set to begin its rollout and distribution of the OralCDx brush biopsy test kit.

Millennium has a signed exclusive agreement with CDx Diagnostics to sell OralCDx, a noninvasive test of the small white and red tissue spots commonly found in the mouth to rule out precancerous change. The test has previously been available to dentists in the U.S., and has already resulted in preventing thousands of oral cancers, according to the company. Now primary care physicians will be able to administer this test to their patients.

David Perry, president of Millennium Medical Devices, explained that the OralCDx brush biopsy has been the subject of well-controlled, randomized, clinical trials to test its accuracy. In every study in which the same lesion was simultaneously tested with both OralCDx and a scalpel biopsy, OralCDx was shown to be at least as sensitive to a scalpel biopsy in identifying dysplasia or cancer.

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