Football legend Jim Kelly battles oral cancer

Buffalo Bills Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly has been diagnosed as cancer-free following surgery to remove part of his jaw after he developed squamous cell carcinoma of the upper mandible.

Kelly's physicians said he can avoid radiation and chemotherapy after his surgery on June 7, according to a report from the Buffalo Bills.

Kelly had the left side of his jaw removed, along with all the teeth on the left side of his mouth and several in the front. To replace what was removed, a skin graft was taken from his left leg.

Earlier this year, Kelly revealed that he had surgery to remove a cyst from his periodontal tissue and nasal cavity. As part of the operation, doctors had to extract his front teeth, Kelly said.

"I have undergone tests which have shown that the cancer is isolated to my upper jaw and has not spread to other parts of my body," Kelly said in a statement.

Kelly understands there's a possibility that the cancer could return and will have checkups every two months.

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