U.S. task force questions oral cancer screenings; annual scaling reduces AF risk

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Following last week's story on the Consumer Reports article that concluded there is not enough published evidence to support oral cancer screenings except in high-risk patients, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force -- the organization Consumer Reports based its conclusions on -- has issued its own statement regarding oral cancer screenings. And their recommendations may surprise you. Read more.

Meanwhile, in Hygiene Community news, patients who undergo dental scaling at least once a year have a lower risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common type of sustained cardiac dysrhythmia, according to a new study in the International Journal of Cardiology.

And while a handful of U.S. states still do not allow dental hygienists to administer local anesthesia, the landscape is slowly shifting, according to Tricia Osuna, RDH, in a presentation at the recent Pacific Dental Conference. Click here to read which states she expects will be next to change their regulations.

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