Pa. boy wins antitobacco slogan contest

An 11-year-old Pennsylvania boy won a trip to the Little League Baseball World Series for submitting the winning slogan in the Oral Health America's (OHA) National Spit Tobacco Education Program (NSTEP) contest.

Stone Huffman, a Little League Baseball player with the Mechanicsburg, PA, Little League, won with his submission, "Let's play ball, you make the call ... don't chew tobacco," which sends a clear message that tobacco has no place in the ballpark, according to the OHA.

The NSTEP program encourages young baseball and softball players to talk to their coaches and parents about tobacco addiction and the health risks of using tobacco products, including spit and smokeless tobacco.

Stone's mother, Tiffany Huffman, a dental hygienist, encouraged her son to enter the contest. The boy will receive a monetary award, a trip to the event with his family, and an on-field award ceremony.

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