DentalEZ offers free Identafi training seminars

DentalEZ will conduct free training seminars for customers who have purchased the Identafi oral screening device or are interested in finding out more about the Identafi.

The company has selected 25 locations and dates across the U.S. for the training seminars. Visit the Identafi website to see the complete list.

The three-hour seminars are intended for all dental professionals. Attendees who have already purchased the Identafi will gain further insight into the fluorescent technology and proper use for the most effective oral exams, while dental professionals interested in the technology who may still be in the evaluation stage of purchasing will benefit from the detailed information and hands-on experience.

The seminars will explore topics such as the following:

  • Proper use of the Identafi
  • Identafi's fluorescent light technology
  • How to incorporate the use of Identafi into routine oral exams
  • Explaining the oral exam service to patients in order to increase acceptance
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