CEL-SCI licenses head/neck cancer drug for Croatia, Serbia

CEL-SCI has expanded its licensing agreement with Teva Pharmaceutical Industries for its cancer drug Multikine, CEL-SCI's investigational phase III drug for the treatment of head and neck cancer.

Under the terms of the new agreement, Teva's exclusive license to market and distribute Multikine in Israel and Turkey will be extended to include Croatia and Serbia.

Teva, which is currently funding a part of the global phase III clinical study at three clinical sites in Israel, will now be responsible for the costs of registering and selling the product in Serbia and Croatia, and will pay CEL-SCI milestone payments upon approval of Multikine. The parties will share revenue generated from all four countries.

CEL-SCI's phase III clinical trial is an open-label, randomized, controlled, multicenter study designed to determine if Multikine administered prior to current standard of care (surgery plus radiotherapy or surgery plus concurrent radiochemotherapy) used for treatment-naive subjects (had received no prior treatment) with advanced primary squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity/soft palate will result in an increased overall rate of survival versus the subjects treated with standard of care only.

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