ADA oral cancer ads may change; dental market slows

Dear member,

In a exclusive this week, we are reporting a possible change in direction for a controversial oral cancer awareness campaign endorsed by the ADA.

For years debate has raged about the best approach to detecting precancerous oral cells. So when the ADA put its stamp of approval on advertising that features the BrushTest by OralCDx Laboratories -- and didn't mention competing tests -- critics got busy at their computer keyboards.

Since then a steady back and forth has raged about the virtue of the advertising campaign. Now OralCDx CEO Mark Rutenberg says he wants a new disclaimer to appear with the ads.

To read about the criticism and the new disclaimer, as well as the research behind the BrushTest, click here. And to find out what a leading critic of the ad campaign -- Mark Lingen, D.D.S., Ph.D. -- thinks you should do to detect precancerous cells, click here.

In other news this week, we report a worrisome trend in the earnings reports of three dental supply companies. The three -- Dentsply, Patterson, and Henry Schein -- reported growth in the most recent quarter, but some aspects of the dental market slowed down. Get the details here.

Finally, we have our own news to announce this week: We launched the Imaging Insider, a newsletter that offers the latest news on dental imaging, as well as a special advance look at our hottest stories. Subscribers got their first issue Tuesday, but it's not too late for you to sign up as well. Just click here.

The weeks ahead look just as exciting. Drop us a note any time to comment, question, or correct. We welcome your thoughts!

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