New diabetes research to focus on saliva

In the face of a dramatic worldwide increase in adolescent obesity and type 2 diabetes, The Forsyth Institute announced a research alliance with the Dasman Diabetes Institute of Kuwait to initiate studies that could lay a scientific basis for prevention.

This collaboration, called the Kuwait Healthy Life Study, will examine conditions in children that predispose them to obesity and type 2 diabetes. In this five-year research alliance, Forsyth will work with the Dasman Diabetes Institute to conduct studies that are directed toward maintaining metabolic health in children, thereby preventing the consequences of obesity and diabetes.

The Forsyth scientists will focus on using saliva as a source of noninvasive biomarkers of metabolic disease that are suitable as early warning risk indicators of developing diabetes.

The Forsyth team, led by J. Max Goodson, D.D.S., Ph.D., is developing diagnostic tools suitable for conducting a large-scale investigation of the disease conditions in children that lead to diabetes and testing the effectiveness of intervention based on lifestyle changes.

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