ADA takes stand against vaping

2019 08 19 22 34 7680 Vaping E Cigarette Man 400

The ADA has issued a statement opposing the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), or vaping nicotine, in light of the growing number of vaping-related injury reports that have emerged in recent months.

The ADA has further pushed for investigations designed to evaluate the effects of tobacco and nontobacco nicotine delivery products. Last month, the association's House of Delegates also passed a resolution to add vaping to existing ADA policy geared toward the prevention and regulation of tobacco use.

Along with more than 50 other organizations, the ADA commended the White House for taking action to remove all nontobacco flavored e-cigarettes from the market. The groups have additionally requested that the U.S. Congress cosponsor the Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019, a bill that would enforce tighter regulations for the sale and advertising of vaping devices and liquids.

Finally, the ADA stated its support of the bipartisan Congressional Caucus to End the Youth Vaping Epidemic, which aims to review legislation with the intent of curbing the potential dangers of vaping and nicotine addiction on American youth.

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