CDA spent $1M to support Calif. e-cigarette tax

The California Dental Association (CDA) has spent more than $1 million to support a proposition that would expand California's tobacco tax to electronic cigarettes, according to the website Voters Edge. However, opponents of the measure have raised almost three times as much money as supporters to defeat the ballot measure.

California's Proposition 56 seeks to change the state's tobacco tax law to include an excise tax on e-cigarettes that contain nicotine. California residents will vote on the measure in the upcoming November election.

If passed, Prop. 56 would change the following:

  • Raise the amount of state excise tax on cigarettes by $2 per pack.
  • Place a per-pack equivalent of $3.37 excise tax on e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and cigars.
  • Fund existing tobacco-control and healthcare programs with the additional tax money.

The CDA has spent $1.01 million for Yes on Prop. 56, making it the fourth largest contributor listed on Voters Edge in support of the measure. Other ballot supporters include the California Hospitals Committee on Issues, sponsored by California Association of Hospitals and Health Systems, the California Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, and Blue Shield of California. Meanwhile, Prop. 56 opponents, including Philip Morris USA, R.J. Reynolds, and the Altria Group, have raised more than $66.3 million to stop the measure compared with $23.3 million raised by supporters.

Voters Edge is a nonpartisan online guide for California voters by MapLight and the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund. The website lists contributors for and against state ballot measures.

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