Can you get more Medicaid money? And, body mass ups surgical risks

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

An obscure U.S. law is creating some parity between dentists and physicians when it comes to Medicaid reimbursement.

Under the Federally Required Adult Dental Services law, if a state Medicaid program is going to reimburse a physician for dentistry, it has to reimburse a dentist for the same procedures. In California, where adult dental benefits were eliminated earlier this year, this loophole is already helping dentists provide care to patients who might not otherwise receive it. Does the law apply in your state? Read more.

Meanwhile, with the number of obese people in the U.S. on the rise, understanding how body mass index (BMI) affects surgical management of these patients has become critical. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati reviewed oral health surgery data from more than 400 patients and found that those with higher BMI are more difficult to sedate and more prone to respiratory events. Read more.

And in imaging news, Aribex -- which has pioneered the handheld digital X-ray market with its Nomad device -- is suing a group of competitors over alleged patent infringement. Could this be the first of many such lawsuits, as the company prepares to protect its pole position in this growing market? Read more.

Over on the Second Opinion page, dentist/comic Jimmy Earll shares the more humorous side of dental history in his latest column, while Dr. Alan Goldstein says that in times like these, the wisest thing a leader can do is make leaders out of others.

And don't forget -- today is the last day to turn in your nominations for our Dental Excellence Awards! Don’t pass up this opportunity to make your voice heard. Just click here or go to to submit your nominations.

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