Week in Review: Retainer results in tooth loss | Lighting up oral bacteria | Independence Day weekend

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

A fixed lower jaw dental retainer completely avulsed the canine tooth of a 26-year-old man in the U.K. Our write-up of the case report detailing this rare but serious complication was the top story of the week.

The patient had noticed mandibular anterior teeth movement for years, but multiple dentists dismissed his concerns. By the time clinicians treated the problem, the fixed lower jaw dental retainer had completely avulsed the canine tooth, and the man had to have the tooth removed.

Clever use of smartphone technology

There's so much smartphones can do already, and one new use may be illuminating oral bacteria. University of Washington researchers converted a smartphone into a mobile imaging system that lights up plaque. The system could help patients remotely assess whether they have potentially harmful oral bacteria.

Spicing up periodontal treatment

Curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric that gives the spice its yellow color, may have a role in the treatment of periodontitis thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. When the use of curcumin is combined with other conventional periodontal therapies, such as photodynamic therapy and scaling and root planing, it may improve the treatment of periodontitis, a review found.

Time to reevaluate your systems

The COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns are waning even in the most restrictive states. Now that your practice is back up and running, it's a good time to reevaluate your systems, noted Dr. Roger P. Levin in this week's Do's and Don'ts.

One system to examine is your morning huddle. Expert Lynne Leggett suggested ending each huddle by asking team members to share how they are doing personally on a five-point scale. This exercise can not only bring the team closer together but also ensure patients are getting the best from the team at each appointment, Leggett said.

Independence Day

Sunday is Independence Day here in the U.S., and we'll be taking off Monday to continue the celebration. I hope you get a chance to relax with loved ones, spend time outdoors, and enjoy tasty treats. We'll be back on Tuesday with more exciting news and content.

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