Week in Review: PPE failures | NC dentists administering COVID-19 tests | Designing a more 'touchless' practice

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Thanks to all of you who were part of DrBicuspid.com's inaugural Spring Virtual CE Conference & Trade Show on Thursday and Friday. We had more than 1,800 people registered, and I know I learned a few things from our incredible lineup of speakers.

Many of our speakers focused on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the dental industry. That subject was also covered in some of our most-read articles from the past week.

Dental teams who are fortunate enough to have personal protective equipment (PPE) need to ensure they are using it properly to shield against viruses, such as the one causing COVID-19. Many healthcare workers improperly use PPE, as a recent study showed. Our article on the findings drew a lot of attention this week and is worth your time to read, I believe.

More than ever, practices want to reduce the number of "touch points" for the dental team and patients when it comes to checking in and out. Dayna Johnson had some advice for practices that use Dentrix on ways to eliminate passing paper, clipboards, and money back and forth over the front counter.

Speaking of money, many dental practices have been strangled financially under the hold of the COVID-19 pandemic, with individual practices having to make tough decisions to survive. If you're unsure of where to find adequate cash flow sources, Bruce Bryen, CPA, CVA, offered some thoughts and advice that could help.

If you and your dental practice are ready to move on to the "recovery phase" of this crisis, be sure to read the Q&A I conducted with Carrie Webber of Jameson Management. Within the conversation, Webber also shared the questions she believes dental practices should be asking themselves right now.

Finally, one of the more intriguing pieces of legislation in recent weeks involved dentists in the great state of North Carolina. A bill recently passed in the state allows dentists to administer diagnostic and antibody tests for COVID-19, provided the tests have been approved or authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. I talked with the executive director of the North Carolina Dental Society about the bill's impact.

Thank you, as always, for reading DrBicuspid.com. I wish you and your family continued health and safety.

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