DenMat expands periodontal line

2019 10 02 21 49 4254 Den Mat Perio Restore 400

DenMat has added to its line of soft-tissue management products with its new Perio Restore noninvasive home system to treat and prevent periodontal disease.

The system features a customized tray designed to gently push a 1.7% hydrogen peroxide gel into the periodontal pocket and a reservoir to hold the gel in place, break up biofilm, and eliminate and prohibit bacteria from recolonizing below the gumline.

Patients could achieve a reduction of bacteria with each 10- to 15-minute application when using the Perio Restore system, according to Denmat.

Perio Restore system. Image courtesy of DenMat.Perio Restore system. Image courtesy of DenMat.
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