Oravital launches oral health system in U.S.

Oravital has launched its proprietary Oravital oral health system into the U.S. professional dental market.

The five-step system is based on identifying the cause of oral infection through microbial analysis, and it tests for bleeding gums before scaling, according to the company. Treatment after diagnosis includes a two-week course of customized antibiotic mouthwash, along with home oral care using additional, specific products based on the patient's needs.

"We ... know that gum disease is a contributing factor to many systemic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, and diabetes," stated Jim Hyland, DDS, CEO and president of Oravital, in a press release.

The company currently has a network of certified dental offices throughout Canada. For more information on the Oravital system and how a practice can become a certified Oravital clinic, visit www.Oravital.com.

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