CAD/CAM Insider: Crowns placed by students show high survival rate

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

For patients who need crowns and might struggle to afford dental care, a new study on the longevity of chairside-generated CAD/CAM crowns offers some hope. Monolithic lithium disilicate glass-ceramic CAD/CAM crowns placed by predoctoral students had a survival rate of 95% after four years. The results suggest that these crowns will deliver predictable performance if placed correctly, according to researchers. Read our Insider Exclusive.

3D printing is an area of innovation in CAD/CAM dentistry, and no one covers these developments like we do in our CAD/CAM Community. In two recent articles, we explored the impact this evolving technology is having on dentistry.

An article in the October issue of the Journal of the California Dental Association discusses the technology's potential in several areas. Titled "CAD/CAM -- The Future Is Here: Overview of Restorative Digital Footprint," the author writes how computerized dentistry has become a multidisciplinary topic that is more formally being taught in U.S. dental schools.

When patients visit orthodontists, they often seek much more than better smiles. Digital technologies such as 3D printing can provide patients with visuals that help them achieve more realistic expectations of their treatment and outcomes, according to a talk at the recent 2019 ADA FDI World Dental Congress in San Francisco.

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